Kocianovo Ústí



02. 09. 2024

I. Introduction Provisions

  1. Kocian Violin Competition hereinafter referred to as the Competion (or KVC) is an International Music Competition for Youth up to the age of sixteen. It is held every year in the town of Ústí nad Orlicí, where Jaroslav Kocian was born.
  2. KVC, with its jury, standard of competition performances and organizational background, meets the required criteria of international music competitions.

II. General Provisions

  1. The advertiser of the Competition is the town of Ústí nad Orlicí, represented by its Mayor and by the Town Council.
  2. Financial resources needed for the preparation and realisation of the Competition are concentrated in the Jaroslav Kocian Fund, the seat of which is in Ústí nad Orlicí.
  3. The organizer of the Competition is the Organization Committee, the members of which are the representatives of Klubcentrum, of Jaroslav Kocian Music School and other subjects. The Organization Committee is headed by its Directress, who is appointed at the first meeting of the Organization Committee for the relevant Competition.
  4. The collaboration of all subjects mentioned above follows legal norms.
  5. The Organization Committee as the organiser of the Competition releases the “Organization Rules” defining the conditions and rules of the Competition and the “Jury Regulations”, which regulates the work the jury.
  6. The Organization Committee appoints and dismisses the Chairman and the members of the Jury, appoints the members of the Secretariat and the Secretary of the Jury. The secretary of the jury has the following duties and rights: attends jury meetings, organizes the competition’s proceedings, processes the competition results, verifies their accuracy, and informs the public about the outcomes.

III. Jury

  1. The Jury shall be a body of outstanding artists and professionals and prominent personalities in musical and publicity branch. The Jury will be composed of seven members with international participation.
  2. The Chairman of the Jury will be appointed by the Organization Committee. Other jurors will be appointed by the Organization Committee after consulting the Chairman of the Jury. In the case of illness or any other case of absence of any members of the jury, a new juror must be appointed.
  3. The composition of the Jury must be published before the start of the Competition at the latest.
  4. Prior to the start of the Competition the Chairman and the members of the jury shall acquaint themselves with this Statute and with the Jury Regulations and are obliged to act in accordance with then.

IV. Concluding provisions 

  1. This Statute has been set out in Czech and English. In the event of any disputes, the Czech version will be considered as authentic text.   


      In the name of the Organization Committee of the Kocian Violin Competition

      Lenka Lipenská, competition directress